Friday, April 12, 2013

I Love Home Depot

You're going to hear that a lot if you get suckered into following this blog.  "I love Home Depot."  It's my favorite store.  I love the smell of freshly cut lumber when you first walk in, I could live in the outdoor gardening area and I think it's fun that I'm allowed to bring my 100-pound puppy into the store with me.  Which is strange because his goofy mug generates a lot of attention and I hate talking to strangers...or even non-strangers for that matter.  And then he's totally in the way the entire time I'm trying to shop.  And then he barks at the other dogs and I feel like a failure as a puppy mama.  And one time he peed on a potted plant and I was mortified.  Wait, why do I like taking him there?  Never mind...moving on.

I've been compiling a "THINGS TO BUY IMMEDIATELY" list while waiting for the mortgage junk to go through, and the second those keys are in my tiny fist I'm zipping over to the glorious super store.  Some of my must-haves include:

~~Painting tools and supplies up the waazoo.  I have 1200 square feet of house that is screaming for color!

~~Hand tools and basics:  hammer, level, tape measure, caulk gun, saw horses, ladder, etc.
~~Lawn mower.  I'm gonna have to force myself to focus on the house and take a rain check on the exterior for now...but a shaggy lawn is simply unacceptable!
~~Power tools: I already have an awesome drill a very smart boy bought me for Christmas, but I want a circular saw, a chop saw a palm sander and either a jig saw or saws all.  And I reeeeaalllly want an air compressor and a nail gun and a paint sprayer (and, and, and) ....but I can't justify buying EVERY thing I want if I'm gonna stay within my goal budget.  Luckily, I have a super handy Padre who I'm sure wouldn't mind loaning a few gadgets to his eldest daughter.  (Hint, hint.)

I'm actually giddy at the thought of a cart full of tools.  I wonder if I can register for House Warming gifts at Home Depot...?  I'm making a mental note to check on that later... 

I think this monstrosity will be one of the first "transformation" projects I tackle.  As you can see it is tall, dark, and UN-handsome.  It smells old and has faded, peeling, floral contact paper inside.  I think it's original purpose was to make more of a designated dining area, but it's overbearing and it makes the room feel dark and cramped.  

I had the idea to bust off the top shelving portion of the cabinet (oooh, I need to add a sledge hammer to my list) and turn the bottom cupboards into a sorta buffet/bar/storage thingy.  It'll still segregate the dining area without blocking out the freaking sun.  I'd get rid of it all together, but it's been parked there for over 50 years and I'm sure the wood flooring that's been hidden underneath won't look anything like the rest of the floor...and that will turn me into a crazy(er) lady. 

My first instinct is to paint it JET BLACK.  My first instinct is to paint everything jet black.  About 90% of my furniture is jet black.  It's a problem.  I'm addicted.  But, I'm going to fight the urge and doing something really funky and colorful with it instead...I'm not telling you what though.  You'll just have to keep reading to find out....

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

I have a new blog!

For years, my family has jokingly referred to me as "Martha black."  Let me explain... I may look like every other dorky, twenty-something, childless tom boy, but I'm actually quite the little homemaker.  I've only ever made pancakes from scratch (from recipe), I have veggie-growing skills you should be envious of, I LOVE home-decorating and my eye will start to twitch if a picture frame is even an inch out of place.  So, when I show up to a family dinner donning a crummy black band t-shirt (and hair that's dyed 5 shades darker than my natural color) toting a dish that's pretty enough to be photographed for a food comes across as a bit odd.  I've spent more time arranging a cheese and cracker plate to take to a party than I spent on my appearance for said party.  BECAUSE IF IT DOESN'T LOOK JUST RIGHT THE WORLD WILL END.  It won't of course, but try telling that to my inner Susie Homemaker.  And then my family will say, "You're like Martha Stewart!...(pause) black."  I dispatch crane trucks by day, kickbox by night, and spend hours drooling over the gardening section of Pinterest on the weekends.  Go figure.

I've toned down my "punk" look a lot in my old age, but when I was younger the juxtaposition was even more drastic... Picture an anti-social 18-year old girl in way too much black eyeliner and skull-covered Vans frosting a cake in the shape of Barbie.  It's happened.  More than once.  Oh, don't have to picture it, here is the proof.  And of course I'm wearing black in this photo.  


I blame/thank my mom for me becoming the domestic dynamo I am today.  I've been cooking since before I was even tall enough to reach the stove.  I vividly remember the horror on our babysitter's face when she found 5-year old me sitting on the counter next to the stove boiling water so I could make Top Ramen for my sister and I.  I didn't understand what the fuss was about...I cooked all the time.  When I was 16, I spent my hard-earned waitressing money on paint, brushes and wood trim to redecorate my bedroom.  What high school junior asks for Home Depot gift cards for Christmas??  This one did.  Side note:  Home Depot is my favoritest store evah.  But that is another post in and of itself.    

To round out my secret Susie Homemaker identity...I'm newly obsessed with all things Do-It-Yourself thanks to this little guy.  We bought a house!!!  Hence the inspiration for this blog... 

Viewing Photo 1 of 12

As you can see this 1950's gem needs some love.  A LOT of love.  Like, $50,000 worth of love.  But I'm determined to transform this little sucker into a cozy and inviting home for about 10K and I'll be posting all of my projects on here.  I'll be doing the majority of the work myself and transforming / resurfacing / upcycling what I already have to work with instead of buying everything new.  I'll be bargain-hunting, yard-saling and dumpster-diving!  Okay, well probably not dumpster-diving....because what would Martha think???